When we have repeated negative thoughts and strong beliefs about ourselves it could be that we didn't just come up with it as a result of our own experience but it may be a result of a curse.
It is a very strong word. It carries many connotations from various eras and traditions. But its weight also emphasises the power our words and intentions hold. Setting aside 'professional' curse creation, most of us have at some point done a little unintentional cursing that might have long term consequences unbeknown to us. A child being absolutely taken by the joy of expressing her love to the divine in a choir singing to just be shut down and publicly shamed for being loud and standing out is cursed to stop singing and will reinforce and grow this message and intention into a believe and an identity of a woman who is just not into signing or having no talent for it. Angry, upset Ex cursing her former partner in a chat with a friend and this friend ‘helping’ by wishing he stays forever alone. A woman whose life choices were dramatically limited by her farther cursing him with all her righteous anger when she fails to achieve her dream. Jealous sibling wishing she were the only child from the depth of her heart. Sometimes this could be a systemic family dynamic, when people remember their grandmother cursing her husband, or grandfather cursing all medical doctors, then in constellations we see the entanglements of the grandchildren with those curse energies and their consequences. Examples are multiple and depending what framework we choose, these could be named differently. It could be called conditioning or programing. It could be shadow work. It could be addressed by a practitioner or by self-help book or in your own deep inner work. It takes so little and most of the time we don’t even notice we do it. We just want to rebalance the unfairness that we experience at that very moment. The quickest way we know is using our voice and words to express a whish that the other person is being put in to their place. The power of our feelings and sincere intentions is huge. We might laugh about it or shrug it off but then remember the moment in your childhood when your heart was shut down by one word, or look, or gesture, or silence. Just to say, we all do it and we need to become aware of it. It has consequences that last decades and take a lot of personal work to undo. As you get angry with somebody and fuming with rage, it is important not to suppress it and it is important not to direct it at anyone around you. As you become aware of your strong powerful feelings, send a little prayer that this rage doesn’t harm anyone but empowers your life transforming into a resource. Intention matters. Awareness is key. - A.S.
AuthorI am fascinated by the Systemic Family Constellations work and everything shamanic. I study it, practice it, research it. Here, I am sharing what I learn and hope it can be of use to somebody interested in healing their families, communities and lives. In 2019 I published some of my poetry inspired by systemic work in this journal. It is available as PDF, Kindle or printed at the link above.
January 2025