Recently I heard from several people that they are really interested in this type of work, but they just don't have the time for it. Anytime they sit to meditate they feel they are wasting time that could have been spent much more productively.
The point is that we are all different. And our path to our own truth and discovery of what opens our heart and talks to our soul will be different. There is no need to wait for special circumstances, conditions, mood, state of mind or signs. If sitting down does not work for now, turn any of your ordinary activities into meditation, into a practice of unordinary reality. Washing windows or cleaning your house - set an intention to clear your own aura, or your loved one's aura (with their permission, of course). 'My dear Higher Self (my dear guides, allies, guardians, ancestors, beloved divine - choose what resonates with your being) as I clean this window, as I move my hands to clear dirt off it, anything that needs and is ready to be cleared out of my own field is removed.' If you are walking to pick up your kids from school or going shopping - set an intention to exchange blessings with Mother Earth - 'Beloved Great Mother, as I walk to my destination may every step bring a blessing to you, may every breath bring a blessing to me'. And then you walk consciously, mindfully, aware that every step you take contributes to building your relationship with the world. If you are gardening, or watering your plants, set an intention to grow something good, something new in your life. 'Dear plant spirits, as I nurture you, as I take care of you, may I also take care of my wellbeing. As you grow, may you bring growth into my life.' With anything you do every day, a good practice is to stay mindful of your body - what sensations arise, what you pick up from your environment. In this way you will become more aware of what opens your heart, and how interconnected you are with all that is. Turning ordinary reality into unordinary one takes an intention, awareness and prayer; it is a practice that will enrich your life with wonder, sacredness, meaning, and joy. I would love to hear from you about how you practice sacredness in your life, what works for you?
AuthorI am fascinated by the Systemic Family Constellations work and everything shamanic. I study it, practice it, research it. Here, I am sharing what I learn and hope it can be of use to somebody interested in healing their families, communities and lives. In 2019 I published some of my poetry inspired by systemic work in this journal. It is available as PDF, Kindle or printed at the link above.
March 2024