Many people in constellating community know about the international intensive in Germany, set up by Hunter Beaumont 17 years ago. For me it was the first one. About 50 people came together from 22 countries to enjoy six full days of constellations practice and teaching. Surrounded by incredible landscape of Bavarian mountains reflected in a lake, in the middle of the woods, we were in a perfect location to do our personal work, to heal and offer healing to others.
Mornings were spent in training with faculty members who presented a different aspect of shadow work each day. Shadow – was the theme for the week. Afternoons belonged to group client constellations where we were clients and faculty members rotated between groups to facilitate. We had a chance to see and experience five different facilitators, witness variety of styles and approaches. In the evenings participants offered their own workshops so on some days we didn’t finish until very late. For many the work continued even in their dreams, so coffee was essential. My practice for the week was to stay present – to fully allow myself be here and now, or there and then – to try not project into the future or plan for the next thing on the agenda. It worked wonders. Starting the day early with Cherokee Sun Dance in the woods, greeting the sun and deer, connecting with trees and mountains, promising to stay no matter what – filled the day with grounded presence, with openness to what was ready to reveal itself. Making beautiful deep connections with people around me, all longing to be real, to be healed, to be of service to humanity, I felt at home, safe and accepted. One of the highlights was Tanja Meyburgh and Sian Palmer workshop of dancing constellations from South Africa, that left me high for the rest of the day. Overall I learned a lot about constellations and shadow, neuroscience and circuits of emotions, myth work and shadow in relationships; made new friends, watched Hunter speak on Friday morning and enjoyed witnessing Judith Hemming re-enact Inana, The Goddess of Heaven. On the way back to London I felt richer in myself and it seemed like a week well spent. Next stop – South Africa Constellations Experience in September with Stephen Hausner, Francesca Mason Boring and many others. -A.S.
AuthorI am fascinated by the Systemic Family Constellations work and everything shamanic. I study it, practice it, research it. Here, I am sharing what I learn and hope it can be of use to somebody interested in healing their families, communities and lives. In 2019 I published some of my poetry inspired by systemic work in this journal. It is available as PDF, Kindle or printed at the link above.
January 2025