Energy follows attention, in other words, where your focus goes, your energy flows. Now imagine somebody close to you is ill and you start to worry about what is going on. You research symptoms on google, you talk to everyone about it, you imagine the worst case scenario and what needs doing. You fear it is something serious, etc etc etc. All because you care, because you are a good friend, a loving person. What you also do is cover them in this sticky, swampy, heavy weight energy that feeds the illness, because illness is what you focus on. What if instead you imagine them healthy and at their best, see your friend in their divine light, sunny, happy and laughing. Send them blessings and love. As you focus on the light and health, you help them activate and strengthen their own resources to heal. Another example of us misdirecting our energy is our Mother Earth. How many of us really worry about her? We read all the horrible stuff that is done to her. Imagine the worst scenarios of a global disaster, complete extinction of all species, deadly pollution and desert in the place of the rain forest. We talk about it to raise awareness, we campaign to stop it happening, we reduce our carbon footprint. All because we care, all because we fear for the future of our children and the next generations. Awareness is important, but where do we focus and send our energy? What are we feeding? Does Mother Earth need more worried people, more fear and anger even if it is meant out of love to her? So what if every time you see a painful video of a plastic islands in the ocean, you send light and blessings to all the creatures in that ocean, to the water and the earth? What if every step you make is a touch of love and light to the face of our Mother Earth? It will also help you to get out of your head and into your body to stop the negative narrative. I have it as a regular practice - going for a walk or going anywhere really and imagining that every time my foot touches the ground it leaves a footprint of light. Every time I touch Earth, I bless her with light and love through my feet. Sometimes this is enough, other times I also offer these words to her - I love you, I thank you, Please forgive me, I am sorry. For the highest good of everyone let us be more mindful of what we choose to focus on. Especially when looking at the mirror! -A.S.
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AuthorI am fascinated by the Systemic Family Constellations work and everything shamanic. I study it, practice it, research it. Here, I am sharing what I learn and hope it can be of use to somebody interested in healing their families, communities and lives. In 2019 I published some of my poetry inspired by systemic work in this journal. It is available as PDF, Kindle or printed at the link above.
March 2024