Welcome to my subscription page. I would love you to receive my weekly emails packed with useful information about systemic work and rituals you can do at home. Like the one below. I tune in every week to see what would be good to put out there and often they are quite profound rituals. Of course it is then your turn to add them to your practice and do them in your own time.
As you sign up you will receive four emails to introduce you to the ancestral work with useful links to resources.
Money Ritual Example:
(I send out a ritual almost every week) Use stones or other small objects to represent you and money. Set them up and explore what it feels like to stand in your place and to stand in 'money' place. Notice how your body is doing, experiment with distance, direction, simple sentences to name what is. Notice what thoughts come up about money, if there is any resistance around it. Stay curious. Then add several stones to represent Those Ancestors Who Had Poor Relationship with Money (for whatever reason). Again standing in the place of you and money explore the difference. If needed, add more stones to represent resources for the ancestors, for you, for money. Then add several stones for Those Ancestors Who Had a Good Relationship with Money. Continue to explore what difference they bring to you and money. Use simple sentences to acknowledge your ancestors, to stand with them, to ask them to teach you and guide you. In the end I also added a representative for what is possible with money - the impact of the work I do. Make sure in the ritual to put on hold interpretations, judgements, projections you might have about yourself, money or ancestors. Stay very much with your body sensations and feelings, noticing slight shifts with every movement. When you feel it is enough, close the ritual and release representatives. |