Imagine a barn on the farm. Open walls, wooden roof, straw on the floor. Hens and turkeys running around. A table in the middle, with fresh cut flowers on it. A wooden fence separates the barn in two parts, creating a space for a circle of chairs. Sheep are walking among them, quietly munching on the straw under their feet. An unusual set up for a day of constellations. Especially with sheep and chickens distracting everyone with their cuteness and charm.
But why would want all this distraction? What can simple farm animals do for this work? It turned out to be the most profound day of constellations I’ve attended so far. Sheep knew exactly when to intervene, ‘say’ their wisdom or help the representatives to release something. Yes, they did wee and poo right in the middle of the circle but the timing was so appropriate that it was more appreciated than disapproved. They held the space beautifully, watching every move or completely relaxing in the corner. They showed us when to stop and when to do the next step. Chickens came as resources, as sisters, as supporters. They taught techniques to take the stress off, to dig to the core of the issue, to connect deeper with the primary feelings. And when it was enough they left, just to come back for the next constellation. At some point, just as the representative said she cant find her voice to call her mother, one sheep screamed Baaaaa so loud that we all jumped. Somewhere from behind the barn, her mother replied with even louder Baaaaa. That went on for a while. The issue holder listened to the lesson of this little sheep in tears with the rest of us admiring the wisdom of the animal so highly attuned to the field. I hope there will be more days like this integrating nature and its helpers into this beautiful soul work.
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AuthorI am fascinated by the Systemic Family Constellations work and everything shamanic. I study it, practice it, research it. Here, I am sharing what I learn and hope it can be of use to somebody interested in healing their families, communities and lives. In 2019 I published some of my poetry inspired by systemic work in this journal. It is available as PDF, Kindle or printed at the link above.
January 2025