upcoming constellations - online Constellations are an incredible way to learn to trust your body wisdom and to look at hidden dynamics of presenting life issues. Circles are limited to 15 people and cost £50 for a representative (to participate in all constellations, representing family members) and £140 as an issue holder (to receive a constellation on an issue). You can reserve your place below.
Family Constellations in London - 22 February
£50.00 - £140.00
10.00 - 17.30 William Morris House, London A circle of maximum 15 people, connected by intention to work with our issues, to attend to family dynamics and to gain a new perspective on the real roots of what we are dealing with right now. We will have time for five constellations. We have a short interview with each issue holder about the presenting question/situation and then ask participants in the circle to represent relevant elements/people of the family system, revealing the hidden patterns, dynamics and loyalties that might be driving the issue. We will also do an ancestral meditation for the whole circle. We will have breaks for tea and lunch. The venue is William Morris House - a beautiful building and a spacious room in an area with lots of coffee shops and restaurants. It is about 10 min walk from Wimbledon station and the room is on the first floor with a set of stairs to reach it. Systemic Family Constellations is a beautiful way to look at the real roots of some of the issues we face in life. It gives a different perspective and provides a new understanding of the dynamics that guide us in our decision making. It helps to reveal what is true for our relationships, and hopefully create shifts that would initiate healing and change. In a constellations circle we learn how to listen to our bodies through representing various family members, we learn to be in the present moment with what is and without any judgement or interpretation of what is happening. Systemic constellations are not to be used to replace any conventional medical or psychotherapeutic diagnosis or treatment. When you reserve your place you take full responsibility for your own mental and physical health before, during and after the workshop. Aleksandra Shymina or the venue will not be held responsible for your health and wellbeing. If you have any further questions about this work or would like to book an individual session, please contact Aleksandra at [email protected] Family Constellations in London - 15 March
£50.00 - £140.00
10.00 - 17.30 William Morris House, London A circle of maximum 15 people, connected by intention to work with our issues, to attend to family dynamics and to gain a new perspective on the real roots of what we are dealing with right now. We will have time for five constellations. We have a short interview with each issue holder about the presenting question/situation and then ask participants in the circle to represent relevant elements/people of the family system, revealing the hidden patterns, dynamics and loyalties that might be driving the issue. We will also do an ancestral meditation for the whole circle. We will have breaks for tea and lunch. The venue is William Morris House - a beautiful building and a spacious room in an area with lots of coffee shops and restaurants. It is about 10 min walk from Wimbledon station and the room is on the first floor with a set of stairs to reach it. Systemic Family Constellations is a beautiful way to look at the real roots of some of the issues we face in life. It gives a different perspective and provides a new understanding of the dynamics that guide us in our decision making. It helps to reveal what is true for our relationships, and hopefully create shifts that would initiate healing and change. In a constellations circle we learn how to listen to our bodies through representing various family members, we learn to be in the present moment with what is and without any judgement or interpretation of what is happening. Systemic constellations are not to be used to replace any conventional medical or psychotherapeutic diagnosis or treatment. When you reserve your place you take full responsibility for your own mental and physical health before, during and after the workshop. Aleksandra Shymina or the venue will not be held responsible for your health and wellbeing. If you have any further questions about this work or would like to book an individual session, please contact Aleksandra at [email protected] individual constellations & ritualsIf constellations circle is not for you or if you would like your constellation on a convenient for you date Aleksandra is available for individual sessions online. Online sessions are on Zoom lasting up to 90 minutes and cost £125. Click the button below for availability and to book.
systemic ritual and shamanic workSystemic Ritual - an opportunity to participate in a collective ritual based on systemic and shamanic principles. Every ritual workshop has a theme providing you with a space and a method to address this in your life, find healing and change. Creating a sacred safe space together as a circle helps the work to happen at a deeper level. Aleksandra is designing every ritual with an intention to serve the highest good of everyone who shows up and holds the circle playing the drum.
Upcoming rituals will be announced soon. shamanic journeying trainingShamanic Journeying training in an online circle. We meet eight times to learn how to journey by actually doing the journeys. This training is specifically designed for systemic facilitators and healing professionals. Dates of next training will be announced soon.
Individual one to one training is available as well, allowing for deeper exploration of the work and healing to happen; that is not possible in a group context. Please contact Aleksandra for details and to arrange dates/times. For those trained in shamanic journeying, a practice circle to journey together.
Shamanic Journeying practice circle - 27 January
£20.00 - £100.00
6.30-8 pm GMT For those trained in the technique of shamanic journeying, this is an opportunity to come together as a circle to practice, to go deeper into your own journey process and be supported by the power of the collective. We meet, connect, open directions and journey on the same intention together, and share. Prior journey training required. monthly meditation circleEvery first day of the month we meet as a small virtual circle to set intention for the month ahead and see it manifest for each other. Next circle 2 January 8 am GMT.
Make a Wish Circle - 2 January
£18.00 - £100.00
8 - 9 am GMT Taking resolutions to a new level - we’ll do an hour meditation in a virtual circle beginning of every month to set an intention for the month or the year, individually and as a collective. We'll use a variety of techniques to see each other's intentions come alive, and fully integrated into our present. It is a beautiful, peaceful, supportive and powerful process. Only 2 places available. |