Online All Inclusive Membership - Constellations and Rituals
If you are passionate about family constellations, ancestral work, ritual and would like to dive deeper into this practice, to heal your own relationships, increase wellbeing and sense of belonging and support, I invite you to join All Inclusive Membership for 2021.
This membership includes all online workshops Aleksandra runs in 2021 - 12 family constellations workshops and 6 systemic ritual workshops. It also includes access to all materials on the website - all recordings of rituals available in the shop - ancestral and four directions.
Also with this membership you receive a free individual session with Aleksandra to work with your family tree and assess what work might be needed this year.
There will also be surprise bonuses for all members.
What is included:
12 representative places (worth £264)
3 issue holder places (an opportunity to receive a constellation on any issue - worth £297)
6 systemic ritual workshops (worth £210)
all rituals on the website (worth £328)
1-1 session with Aleksandra (worth £100)
surprise bonuses during the year
Total worth £1199, Saving £502