Constellation is a forward looking solution-oriented process. To be effective it requires a clear intention. What is your heart's desire? What would you like? At the same time crystallising your intention helps you see your life clearer, hear and understand what your heart is really telling you. Sometimes what feels like an issue is actually a resource that guides you to where you really need to be in life. Systemic constellations can help see a different angle to deeply familiar story we keep telling ourselves.
Sometimes the effect is immediate. Other times it takes time. It takes patience. It takes further steps. It takes intention.
Sometimes the effect is immediate. Other times it takes time. It takes patience. It takes further steps. It takes intention.
These are some of the words I received from those who found the process useful and their intention manifesting.
I have worked with Aleksandra on various issues throughout many years and I can describe what I felt during the sessions and after with one word - peace. Aleksandra has the ability to offer confidence and trust, and she walks you through the process with calmness and wisdom. Working with Aleksandra had my unanswered questions answered, the knots untangled and the road ahead clearer. I can only be grateful for the chance to have had Aleksandra as my guide in some very complicated times and surely we will work again in future. - O.M, London
I am becoming more confident. My fears are disappearing. I have a feeling that the blockages i had preventing me from being happy are melting away. There is a groing confidence - i can do it. Thank you! - L.M. London
The first time I experienced the constellation family therapy I was amazed how precise it is and how deep it can go back to ancestors,therapy helped me to unfold many issues which were holding me down, since the session I can say I don't have the drained brain and body, thank you for the amazing job you did, Aleksandra. - S.I. London
I experienced a deep and powerful healing in the gentle, safe and supportive space created by Aleksandra, a truly gifted Systemic constellation facilitator. - S.N. London
Looking back I realise I lost my usual feeling of guilt and self sabotage. I feel lighter, things that triggered me before don't touch me now. My husband is seeing positive changes as well. Thank you! - N.M. London Aleksandra helped me through hidden issues I had with past relationships using constellations. These issues were preventing me from moving forward in my life and developing healthy and fruitful relationships. I am now married to a wonderful husband and have a bright, loving future ahead of me. Thank you to Aleksandra for helping me through my issues. - D.S. London |
'Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Imagine the line of people behind you - your ancestors. Long long line. Just for a moment imagine that all of them are here to wish you well. You are not alone. ' AS
The work I've done with Aleksandra has enabled me to release physical and emotional pain from my body. My body is now starting to feel calmer from within. I've been able to make peace with my past through the help of Aleksandra. I am finding out through each session how powerful my body is and I am listening to it more. I would highly recommend the sessions as I would not have changed in the way I have without them. - S.H. London
I found the experience to be fascinating, illuminating and creative as we discovered and considered how the lived experiences of my female ancestry may have impacted on my life, releasing me from any unhelpful residual effects and constructively supporting me with positive future choices. - K.R. Oxford